

Lost in illusions and false appearances, I watch the dust rise and fall, again and again. Only the red earth covered ground, scattered bits of wheat, and… perhaps a faint echo of laughter from years ago remain.
Maybe this place once held true beauty, but now it’s just a faded memory.
I’ve traveled to many places, but I’m just a passerby lucky enough to have walked through fields once farmed by someone. Still, I can’t help but sigh: oh dear, who could have cultivated such exquisite beauty!
Maybe this place once held true beauty, but now it’s just a faded memory.
I’ve traveled to many places, but I’m just a visitor fortunate enough to have passed through fields that someone once cultivated. Still, I can’t help but sigh: oh dear, who could have created such exquisite beauty!
Even if the person from the past is gone, even if the fields have become barren, the dazzling starlight has been extinguished by mere rumors, hasn’t it?
I believe, perhaps I can still…

In the hospital, he calmly admits he cares for them very much.
At the wedding celebration, quietly drinking among the many guests, he simply gives a deep bow, saying with a smile…
Standing unnoticed, yet filled with hope.
They meet again after a long time.
I’ve been waiting for you to make the first move.
He quietly bows to a few guests and says, “Thank you for your stories.”
SPining for you, you seem so cold, causing me emotional distress.
He’s not only a dirty creature living off blood, but also a monster surviving on self-affirmed love.
They have their own secretive pasts, their private matters they don’t want anyone to know, hidden emotions.
You & I were separated for 4 decades before being able to meet again; we shouldn’t dwell on those partings but be grateful for our reunion.
Everything has cracks; that’s where the light gets in.
That hundredth love letter, with just a few weighty words, his beloved never said throughout her life, because she had already lived it.
The Vermilion Bird finally smiles, embracing the brightest star in the Western sky & the entire sky itself, even the most dazzling constellation.
At least, sour or sweet in the end, it should end sweetly in his heart.
No matter who comes, they can’t resist the embrace of the one who carries the entire spring!
Look, it’s so dazzling, so captivating, it moves the heart.
Tomorrow, will it be chilled watermelon & a fan, or gazing at the stars while waiting for fireflies to rise from the grass?
In this lonely universe, you & I are never alone.
Thank you for accompanying me, thank you for becoming my family, thank you for loving me.
Xuan Ce will live with his brother from now on, so his brother won’t lose himself.
“From now on, we only have farewells, no more separations.”
Admire them, fear them, thousands of lives are about to burn out to offer their light as beacons.
In this vast universe, we stand side by side on a solitary island.
Only Xuan Ce, he transcends data, seemingly losing the ability to turn everything into data with his brain.
Until the day the universe collapses, in the island-like hibernation chamber, the one closest to divinity awakens from dreams.
Blazing holy fire, consume my body. Pity us, humanity, for we have too many worries!
In the apricot blossom shadows, playing the flute until dawn.
Only the pitiful elder brother who deeply loves his younger brother, lost in the abyss of unforgivable guilt for 7 years, while the younger brother forgets everything.
What worldly storms, just a paper umbrella covers them, allowing him to remain so pure & happy forever.
Because his feelings are so sincere, so sincere that even the naive Bai XuanCe, who is still ignorant in the realm of love, unknowingly trusts him.
Demons lurk around us, please, light up the stars of humanity, we fear no darkness, as long as our hearts are still beating—Apostles of the Abyss.

It’s a pity, it’s lamentable, it’s even more tragic. Without continuing to love, without growing old together, just “ reminiscences as it used to be” will do. Passing each other by, that’s the end for you & me. But I don’t know if this is the best ending.

Destiny • Reminiscences as it used to be.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.