

Love doesn't know where it began, it goes very deep.
and it doesn't know where it ends, but it lasts forever.

Hey There

About me?

I’m Rin’ Cynar, you can ca11 me Rinri too.
“I can’t quite explain my skills, but I’m good at messing around with things, just playing around with code, making some not-so-perfect graphics, haha. In the end, I’m kind of a dabbler in everything but don’t excel at anything. By the way, if you want to understand me, you could browse this website, maybe you’ll get a sense of my personality (messing around, having fun…)”

This Website?

This is my personal blog! Install this website’s app using PWA.

I’ve been working on setting up a website since around 2021. I started with “WordPress,” went through a few different options back and forth, and finally settled here: GithHub + this theme

Luckily, I’m easygoing and didn’t put much up, so I avoided any problems (blodly asserting myself Haha).

Of course, this isn’t a technical website (seriously, what technical skills do I have?), it’s more of a write-whatever-you-want, whenever-you-feel-like-it kind of place, so there might be all sorts of content here~>This theme~

Anyone who wants to add a friend link is welcome! Please publish issues on here

the format: { tit1e: "Rin' Cynar", href: "https://rcva.san.tc" }

At last (statement)

All articles, pictures, etc. on this site are automatically generated by keyboard. This doesn’t affect me (wink)

I express my opinions literally, without intent to incite conflict, engage in trolling, impersonation, or any other ulterior motives. My statements are solely personal reflections, devoid of any derived connotations, and do not represent any other groups or individuals. They contain no metaphors, implications, impersonations, publicity stunts, or attempts to piggyback on trends. My family is harmonious and healthy, I have no psychological or mental illnesses, and my intelligence is at a normal level. I have completed nine years of compulsory education.

My views and statements only represent my personal, shallow opinions, and any non-professional academic content is solely for personal understanding, with some content being speculative and not reflective of actual situations. They are unrelated to my social groups, parents, relatives, the country, province, city, or region where I reside. Differing viewpoints are welcome for polite discussion and correction. My statements do not discriminate against any groups nor do they intend to provoke opposition. My knowledge is limited, lacking professional teams, and my content reflects personal opinions. Misunderstandings are welcome for clarification. Similar comments are purely coincidental.

Any doubts are welcome for private questioning, and I will attempt to reply as much as possible. However, due to numerous private messages and limited time, a short-term lack of response does not indicate disregard, and failure to respond may simply be due to overload. I use freely available open-source fonts and engage in no malicious infringement. If I quote or reference others’ viewpoints, I will endeavor to cite the source. If infringement is claimed, please provide evidence of relevance, and I will promptly address it. My expressions abilities are average, and if my words come across as harsh, it is not out of malicious contempt for any individual, group, organization, or society. The opinions of other users in the comment section do not reflect my thoughts or intentions. If I mistakenly like content you disagree with, it is purely accidental and not intended targeting of you or your group, organization, or society. I may sometimes wander off into tangents and depart from common sense; any ambiguities are welcome for correction.

I am a human being, I love Earth’s culture and civilization, strictly adhere to local laws and regulations, have no non-human tendencies, and have never engaged in time travel. I pledge that I have not disclosed Earth’s coordinates to any extraterrestrials or any extradimensional, parad dimensional, or alternate universe civilizations, nor have I broken the seal on Pandora’s box, incited King Zhou to build the wine pool and meat forest, dispatched Xu Fu on an eastern voyage, harmed royal subjects, colluded with imperial armies, or assassinated members of the Austro-Hungarian Imperial family. My personal gender is RATA, and I respect male, female, and other gender minority groups, firmly supporting gender equality without preference for the order of “male” and “female” My language tends towards internet slang but contains no malicious intent, nor any attempt to trivialize serious topics for entertainment purposes. I pledge to love animals, plants, and beneficial or harmless microorganisms to the human body and natural environment. If I metaphorically liken humans to certain animals, plants, or microorganisms, it is only for popular jest, with no intention to trample on human dignity, rights, or to discriminate against those animals, plants, or microorganisms. My quality is of average standard, and my expressed opinions lack any professional expertise, serving only as reference. I take full responsibility for my published content. If there are any undesirable comments in the comments section, I suggest blocking or reporting them for handling, as I do not turn a blind eye to or condone objectionable content.

If everything about me confuses you, then maybe we should keep our distance, because I won’t change because of you.