


These days I have been researching how to build my own website for free. Now I record all of this here, hoping it can help you who want to build a website but don’t want to spend money.

Things You Need to Have

A computer with Internet access

Haven’t? Buy one!(bushi).Try do that in phone is really cool right?

A Github Accounts

Haven’t? Sign up! This is a guide.

A smart person –You


First,find your favorite theme template on GitHub

Generally speaking, just search for jekyll themes and select it. Here are some recommended templates, but the following operations will be explained using the template Chirpy used on this site as an example.

themes by Hux Forty - Jekyll Theme Forty - Jekyll Theme

Of course, there are many more high-quality templates. Please go to GitHub to search.

Once you have chosen your template, click the Fork button to fork it to your account. It is recommended to name the new repository to this: Examp1e

Make modifications to the repository you just created

Generally speaking, template providers will provide relevant tools and instructions. The following takes the Chirpy template as an example. The following is from the official Chirpy documentation

Create a your website

Sign in to GitHub to fork Chirpy, and then rename it to (USERNAME means your username).

Next, clone the repository to your local machine, make sure it has nodejs installed, then go to the root directory of the repo and run the following command:

$ bash tools/

The above command will: Check out the code to the latest tag (to ensure the stability of your site: as the code for the default branch is under development). Remove non-essential sample files and take care of GitHub-related files. Build CSS/JS assets files and then make them tracked by Git. Automatically create a new commit to save the changes above.

Setting up

Update the variables of _config.yml {: .filepath} as needed. Some of them are typical options: url,avatar,timezone,lang

Social Contact Options

Social contact options are displayed at the bottom of the sidebar. You can turn on/off the specified contacts in file _data/contact.yml.

Customizing Stylesheet

If you need to customize the stylesheet, copy the theme’s assets/css/jekyll-theme-chirpy.scss to the same path on your Jekyll site, and then add the custom style at the end of it.

Starting with version 6.2.0, if you want to overwrite the SASS variables defined in _sass/addon/variables.scss, copy the main sass file _sass/main.scss into the _sass directory in your site’s source, then create a new file _sass/variables-hook.scss and assign new value.

Manually Build and Deploy

On self-hosted servers, you cannot enjoy the convenience of GitHub Actions. Therefore, you should build the site on your local machine and then upload the site files to the server.

Use custom domain name

set you domain name

Get a domain name,and set DNS

There are many DNS resolution service providers that provide free services, such as DNS.HE.NET, Cloudflare, ,etc. You can choose any one of them. The operations are similar. The following takes DNSExit as an example.

Enter the URL in the browser:

Examp1e Sign up and login Examp1e

Adding your domain name and set

Examp1e Examp1e Examp1e Examp1e

Enter the IP address of the Github server


Click Next until the end
Click on the upper right corner to save DNS settings

By the way, you can add a record in the CNAME: =

Set your repository

On GitHub, set up your personal web page as GitHub Pages. In your repository, go to the “Settings” page, and in the “ GitHub Pages” section, select “Enforce HTTPS” and “Custom domain”. Then, paste your custom domain name into the “Custom domain” field. Click the “Save” button to save your settings.Like this: Examp1e Create a new file called “CHAME” in your repository and write your domain name in it, like this: Examp1e


Wait for the changes to be applied, then enjoy your site. By the way, you can use to check if your DNS settings are effective.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.