

RCS Tool Documentation

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The RCS tool is a text encryption utility based on the RC4 encryption algorithm. It allows users to encrypt and decrypt text using custom keys, manage encryption keys, and maintain a history of encrypted and decrypted messages. The tool supports various commands for managing keys, checking for updates, and performing brute-force decryption attempts.


Encrypt and Decrypt Text: Securely encrypt and decrypt text using the RC4 algorithm with custom keys.

Key Management: Easily add, delete, and display encryption keys.

History Management: Maintain and display a history of encrypted and decrypted messages.

Update Notifications: Check for updates and notify users of new versions.

Configuration Reset: Reset the tool to its default configuration.

Brute-force Decryption: Perform brute-force decryption attempts with customizable key lengths.

User-Friendly Commands: Intuitive commands for a smooth user experience.


Python 3.x

arc4 module

requests module


Ensure that Python and the required modules are installed:

pip install arc4 requests


To start the interactive mode, run the script:



relp: Display usage instructions.

rak : Add a new encryption key.

rch: Clear encryption/decryption history.

rck: Display the currently saved encryption keys.

rdk -: Delete a specified encryption key.

rxit: Exit the tool.

rsh: Display encryption/decryption history.

rc : Perform a brute-force decryption on the specified text.

res: Reset to default configuration.

rcu: Check for updates.


Prints a message to the console with newline characters before and after the message.

get_input(prompt, default=None)

Prompts the user for input. If no input is provided, returns the default value.


Loads encryption keys from the key file.


Saves encryption keys to the key file.


Resets the tool to its default configuration by deleting the key and history files and restoring the default key.


Adds a new encryption key if it does not already exist.


Deletes a specified encryption key by its index number, unless it is the default key.


Converts a UTF-16 string to bytes.

rc4_encrypt(key, plaintext)

Encrypts plaintext using the RC4 algorithm and the provided key.

rc4_decrypt(key, ciphertext)

Decrypts ciphertext using the RC4 algorithm and the provided key.


Converts bytes to a hexadecimal string.


Converts a hexadecimal string to bytes.


Prompts the user to choose a key for encryption from the available keys.


Displays the available keys and returns them for decryption attempts.


Saves a record to the history file.


Displays the history of encrypted and decrypted messages.


Clears the history of encrypted and decrypted messages.


Checks for updates to the tool by querying the update URL.


Handles user input commands and performs the appropriate actions.


Starts the interactive mode for the tool, allowing users to enter commands and encrypt/decrypt text.

Prints the usage instructions for the tool.


Displays the currently saved encryption keys.


Decrypts the provided text using the specified key or all available keys.


Encrypts the provided plaintext using the chosen key and saves the result to the history.


Performs a brute-force decryption attempt on the provided ciphertext using keys of specified lengths.

Example Usage

Encrypting Text

Enter interactive mode:


Provide the text to encrypt:

# Hello, World!

Choose a key for encryption or use the default key:

# Choose a key number (default is 0): 0

The encrypted text will be displayed and saved to the history.

Decrypting Text

Enter interactive mode:


Provide the encrypted text in the format - :

# - 5D41402ABC4B2A76B9719D911017C592

The tool will attempt to decrypt the text using all available keys and display the results.

Adding a New Key

Enter interactive mode:


Add a new key:

# rcs-adk my-new-key

Displaying History

Enter interactive mode:


Display the history of encrypted and decrypted messages:

# rcs-hst

Feature Highlights

Secure Text Encryption and Decryption

The RCS tool uses the RC4 encryption algorithm to securely encrypt and decrypt text. Users can choose from multiple encryption keys to enhance security.

Easy Key Management

The tool allows users to easily manage their encryption keys. Keys can be added, deleted, and displayed with simple commands.

History Tracking

All encrypted and decrypted messages are saved in a history file. Users can view and clear the history as needed, ensuring they can track their encryption activities.

Update Notifications

RCS checks for updates and notifies users when a new version is available. This ensures that users always have access to the latest features and security improvements.

Configuration Reset

Users can reset the tool to its default configuration, which is useful if they need to start fresh or encounter issues with their current setup.

Brute-force Decryption

The tool includes a brute-force decryption feature that allows users to attempt decryption with keys of various lengths. This can be useful for recovering encrypted text when the key is unknown.

User-Friendly Interface

The RCS tool provides a user-friendly interface with intuitive commands, making it easy for users to encrypt and decrypt text, manage keys, and view history without needing advanced technical knowledge.

Support and feedback

If you have any questions or need help, please contact the development team:

Thank you for using the rcs tool software!


RCS is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.